Authentication is optional for some REST API endpoints accessing public data, but is required for GraphQL queries. Using authentication also increases your API rate limit.

GitHub supports different authentication strategies:

  1. Personal access token (create). This is the default authentication strategy. Set the options.auth option to the token in new Octokit(options). Learn more about the built-in @octokit/auth-token authentication strategy.
  2. OAuth Apps: authenticate using user access token created by an OAuth app, to which you granted selected permissions, or as the OAuth App itself (OAuth using client_id and client_secret). Learn more about the optional @octokit/auth-oauth-app authentication strategy
  3. GitHub Apps: authenticate using an installation access token or as GitHub App itself. Learn more about the optional @octokit/auth-app authentication strategy.
  4. GitHub Actions: authenticate using the GITHUB_TOKEN secret which is provided to GitHub Actions Workflows. Learn more about the optional @octokit/auth-action authentication strategy.

Learn more about all official and community authentication strategies.

By default, @octokit/rest authenticates using the token authentication strategy. Pass in a token using options.auth. It can be a personal access token, an OAuth token, an installation access token or a JSON Web Token for GitHub App authentication. The Authorization request header will be set according to the type of token.

const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/rest");
const octokit = new Octokit({
auth: "mypersonalaccesstoken123",
// sends request with `Authorization: token mypersonalaccesstoken123` header
const { data } = await octokit.request("/user");

To use a different authentication strategy, set options.authStrategy. Here is an example for GitHub App authentication

const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/rest");
const { createAppAuth } = require("@octokit/auth-app");
const appOctokit = new Octokit({
authStrategy: createAppAuth,
auth: {
appId: 123,
privateKey: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY,
// optional: this will make appOctokit authenticate as app (JWT)
// or installation (access token), depending on the request URL
installationId: 123,
const { data } = await appOctokit.request("/app");

The .auth() method returned by the current authentication strategy can be accessed at octokit.auth(). Example

const { token } = await appOctokit.auth({
type: "installation",
// defaults to `options.auth.installationId` set in the constructor
installationId: 123,