Import the Octokit constructor based on your platform.


Load @octokit/rest directly from

<script type="module">
import { Octokit } from "";


Install with npm install @octokit/rest

const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/rest");
// or: import { Octokit } from "@octokit/rest";
const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/rest");

Now instantiate your octokit API. All options are optional, but authentication is strongly encouraged.

const octokit = new Octokit({

You can set auth to a personal access token string.

Learn more about authentication.

auth: "secret123",

Setting a user agent is required. It defaults to octokit/rest.js v1.2.3 where v1.2.3 is the current version of @octokit/rest, but you should set it to something that identifies your app or script.

userAgent: 'myApp v1.2.3',

API Previews can be enabled globally by setting the previews option. They can be set per-request as well.

Learn more about API Previews.

previews: ['jean-grey', 'symmetra'],

A default time zone can be enabled by setting the timeZone option.

timeZone: 'Europe/Amsterdam',

Learn more about using time zones with the GitHub API.

In order to use Octokit with GitHub Enterprise, set the baseUrl option.

baseUrl: '',

For custom logging, pass an object with debug, info, warn and error methods as the log option.

Learn more about logging and debugging.

log: {
debug: () => {},
info: () => {},
warn: console.warn,
error: console.error

Custom request options can be passed as request.* options. See @octokit/request options. The same options can be passed to each endpoint request method.

request: {
agent: undefined,
fetch: undefined,
timeout: 0

Most of GitHub’s REST API endpoints have matching methods. All endpoint methods are asynchronous, in order to use await in the code examples, we wrap them into an anonymous async function.

(async () => {

For example to retrieve a pull request, use octokit.pulls.get(). We recommend to use the search above to find the endpoint method you are looking for

const { data: pullRequest } = await octokit.pulls.get({
owner: "octokit",
repo: "rest.js",
pull_number: 123,

Some API endpoints support alternative response formats, see Media types. For example, to request the above pull request in a diff format, pass the mediaType.format option.

Learn more about request formats.

const { data: diff } = await octokit.pulls.get({
owner: "octokit",
repo: "rest.js",
pull_number: 123,
mediaType: {
format: "diff",

For the API endpoints that do not have a matching method, such as the root endpoint or legacy endpoints, you can send custom requests.

Learn more about custom requests.

const { data: root } = await octokit.request("GET /");

You can also register custom endpoint methods, which is particularly useful if you participate in a private beta.

Learn more about custom endpoint methods.

await octokit.registerEndpoints({
misc: {
getRoot: {
method: "GET",
url: "/",

Some endpoints return a list which has to be paginated in order to retrieve the complete data set.

Learn more about pagination.

octokit.paginate(octokit.issues.listForRepo, {
owner: 'octokit',
repo: 'rest.js'
.then(issues => {
// issues is an array of all issue objects

You can add more functionality with plugins. We recommend the retry and throttling plugins.

Learn more about throttling, automatic retries and building your own Plugins.

import { retry } from "@octokit/plugin-retry";
import { throttling } from "@octokit/plugin-throttling";
const MyOctokit = Octokit.plugin(retry, throttling);

Octokit.plugin() returns a new constructor. The same options can be passed to the constructor. The options are passed on to all plugin functions as the 2nd argument.

const myOctokit = new MyOctokit({
auth: "secret123",
throttle: {
onRateLimit: (retryAfter, options) => {
`Request quota exhausted for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`
if (options.request.retryCount === 0) {
// only retries once`Retrying after ${retryAfter} seconds!`);
return true;
onAbuseLimit: (retryAfter, options) => {
// does not retry, only logs a warning
`Abuse detected for request ${options.method} ${options.url}`
retry: {
doNotRetry: ["429"],