The simplest way to receive debug information is to set the log
client option to console
const octokit = require("@octokit/rest")({log: console,});octokit.request("/");
This will log
request { method: 'GET',baseUrl: '',headers:{ accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json','user-agent':'octokit.js/0.0.0-development Node.js/10.15.0 (macOS Mojave; x64)' },request: {},url: '/' }GET / - 200 in 514ms
If you like to support a configurable log level, we recommend using the console-log-level module
const octokit = require("@octokit/rest")({log: require("console-log-level")({ level: "info" }),});octokit.request("/");
This will only log
GET / - 200 in 514ms